Notes in facebook style
- Free Update
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MAR 10, 2018: Improve layout for 4.6.*
Dec 25, 2017: Compatible to 4.6.*
Sep 22, 2017: v2.1 bug fixing
Sep 22, 2017: v2.0 responsive mobile and theme improvement. fixing bug
Sep 08, 2017: v1.9, Improve stability and compatible with v4.5.3 tested
Jul 27, 2017: v1.8, Many layout improvement and fix bug
Jun 13, 2017:
- Fix bug installation
- Improve layout
- Add nice popup when view Note on listing page (similar to Facebook)
- NOTE: don't forget clear site cache and rebuild core theme to update new css
Apr 5, 2017: Compatible with Phpfox version 4.5.2
When should you have this Note app?
Note app is a facebook-note-like app. It is designed to improve UX so that user feel comfortable to when posting a note content and display the layout in modern style to easy to read. Still keep Simplify Social Network's concept, make layout simple and friendly.
Note app's features
1) Note app's basic features
- Add note form: the layout is very simple,
- less field to input
- support placeholder to simplify form and make it modern
- Autocomplete to select category
- Hashtag in content
- Note listing page
- Show the amount of like and comment
- Show social network sharing
Note app on mobile - Well responsive to on mobile devices
2) Note app's advanced features
- To have following functions it requires to buy others plugins *
- support HTML Inlite Editor like Resume.com or Medium.com or Facebook's Note if you also install the app HTML Editor
- Allow to vote for a note if you also install app Rating plugin
- Show the voted value on the note listing if you also install app Rating plugin
Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.5.*
Product version: 1.4
How to use demo:
- Register an account there (just one minute ONLY)
Note 1.3 updated
- Add Category Block on Main Note page
- Support BB code
- Fix layout issues
Install/upgrade: After install or upgrade, do not forget Clear Cache and then Rebuild core theme to update CSS
To have all advanced features , you need to have Rating plugin and HTML Editor. Click on above links to buy them.
This is a free plugin, any support may be charged $20+